Colt 1911 Grip Safety - Blued

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    What I was looking for

    Posted by Mark Talbot II on Dec 3rd 2024

    I had been doing web surfing for an original style grip safety with the original profile that was on 1911’s from 1911-1924 prior to the release of the A1 in ‘24 and finally found one over a month ago, ‘cause this is really hard to find, and it’s obviously new from what I can tell. I was searching because in the next year or so, I’m gonna build an original style 1911 using a Caspian Arms Frame and Slide and didn’t want to have to buy an A1 grip safety then deal with reprofiling it to match the original. I finally was able to purchase on Thanksgiving and I decided to buy 2, I just needed one but thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a spare just in case. They were both in beyond the greatest condition when they arrived and I’m very satisfied I made the purchase. Ya’ll did great. Merry Christmas.