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Smith & Wesson 76 Extractor
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Over the years we have provided literally tens of thousands of quality firearm mounts for numerous large surplus, corporate, and military organizations, along with a premium blend of custom manufactured parts for our valued customers.
Ordnance Research Inc. stands ready by leading the market and directly supplying our customers with the expertise and quality they deserve at prices within their budget. Custom engineering and producing vehicle and ground mounting solutions for all types and nationalities, ORI will listen to your organization's needs and provide the most "common-sense" arrangements to better suit your missions. Whether it is modern Mil-Spec mounts for M240's, M2HB .50 Calibers, M60, PKM, DShK, and more, or blasts from the past like the 1919A4 and BAR .30 Cals, ORI manufactures the most durable equipment for all environmental/mission requirements.
If you need a single custom part or thousands manufactured, just click on our Services Page to see our capabilities and get a quotation custom tailored to suit your needs.
Visit our Contact Page to contact us with any questions!